Lets start from the very beginning....A very good place to be. That is unless you're talking about weight loss...Then from the very beginning is NOT a very good place to be. Yes..I'm going to rant and yammer on about weight loss AGAIN. And if you haven't guessed I regret to inform I'm pretty much back to square one in weight loss! Back to the very beginning indeed. Back to no weight lost. Back to feeling frustrated. Back to an endless cycle of eating poorly, making excuses, and being lazy. Back to the beginning! I'm going to make a few excuses as to why this happen, because frankly, I'm good at it. But really I have no excuse for NOT already being 20 pounds thinner. I have no excuse, but I'm going to make some anyway.
Excuse #1: Family in town. Ever since the beginning of August we have had some form of family visiting. And I LOVED it don't get me wrong. But for some reason family just kind of throws me into a funk and I feel like I'm on holiday all the time. And what do we do during the holidays? We celebrate and eat and relax and well eat and enjoy one anothers company and well EAT. And I did a whole lot more eating than I did exercising. Lots of food + No working out = Losing weight (Uh....Sorry but NOPE.)
Excuse #2: I was moving. I'm happy to announce we've moved into our new place and are LOVING IT. But sadly packing and un-packing and just moving in general made little time (in my head) for working out and lots of take out (in my head...once again...thought it was a good idea). I'm still un-packing and trying to get things the way I want them. But I'm hoping to do a video tour (lucky you!!) on my blog to show you guys our new place. SO happy to be living here!
Excuse #3: I have a mobile 10 month old. Ya...For some reason he's always my default excuse for why I can't eat good and work out. Like the kid is forcing me down and spoon feeding me ice cream and processed foods? Get real! He may be mobile and have me wrapped around his finger, but I am in control of what I eat. As for the working out..Ya..he makes it a weeee bit difficult, but not impossible.
So there you have it..my glorious excuses for why I'm still fat and have back tracked juuuust a wee bit. So now that we've addressed why I'm very chunk-a-licious, here's me re-dedicating myself once again. And I'm serious!! I mean it this time!! I'm going to lose the got dang weight! For realz...
So here's me taking more horrifying pictures that help me realize just how disgusting I am. Sorry you have to endure this again. But I wanted new accurate pictures so when I'm hot and thin I can look back and barf ;) |
Yum-o |
So this may be crazy talk...But I've decided I'm going to get my big booty up at 5AM and go down to the gym. We have a gym at our awesome new complex and I intend to use it! If I go down at 5AM I can get a good solid hour in before Robby has to leave for work. I see this as my only option honestly, because as the morning/day drags on I just end up making more and more excuses. Now come next month I'll get lucky enough to work out at 7 or 8AM because Robby goes to nights. Not so happy he's going to nights...But it means someone will be home during the day so I can go work out, hip hip hurray! So lets pray I can make this work! Because I think it would be really good for me!
So other then me still chubb-a-licious and us moving to a new place the only other thing to talk about is my adorable son! He's still trying at times..And we've been battling alot of ear issues with him. But he's still awesome and soooo cute!
Hello little one! |
This may sound weird but...I love his little body. I think he's cute with his little waist and belly sticking out. |
I also think he's cute when he squats. |
And now for some pictures with mommy! We like to do black and white with mommy because she likes how you can't see her terrible skin and red blotch-i-ness in the black and white photos.
LOVE him! |
He puts up with me...Even when I smother him. |
Oh...And you may have noticed a blog title and "theme" change. I'm starting fresh tomorrow so I figured I'd change things up a bit in my blog. I'm going to be writing more often (hopefully) and just doing things a little different. After my "last supper" tonight it's go time. I'm serious! Don't laugh!
Have a great week everyone!