So for about a year life just kind of seemed to be stagnant. I don't mean the things in my life created the stillness, but just in general it seemed nothing exciting was happening. You ever get that way? It seems when you're younger there are so many goals and milestones to hit that life just keeps flying as you hit one mark after the next. But we'd done it all...Gotten married...Graduated college...Had a baby...Robby got a start in his career at Amazon. Now to just live life. Well I can certainly say life has not been stagnant from the start of the year. Every month has just been go go go and gone faster and faster and faster. Where to begin...
I had been wanting to have another baby easily since January of 2014...Maybe even sooner then that but my memory definitely jogs me back to desiring another baby last January. So the hold up? Insecurities...Fears...The moment that IUD is removed I'd actually have to face all my fears and worries. I was worried about having to face the reality of having another c-section or VBAC, I was worried about going in and a doctor pointing and laughing at me for getting pregnant and being fat (I'm no thin rail...), I was worried about all the things that can go wrong during a pregnancy. My insecurities and the 'what ifs' were really holding us back from our family progressing and growing. I mean...I never intended to have my babies 3 years and 11 months apart, but I worried so much about getting pregnant and something going wrong. Finally with the push from my mom I needed and my husband re-assuring me that everything would be fine I went for it. Oh my word.
This may be where things get a little TMI...So if you like juicy personal details into peoples personal lives read on. If you tend to be modest and timid as far as personal information goes. Skip this. I was never a huge fan of my IUD, but after trying to get it removed and then finally getting it out...I will never get another one. Like ever again. First of all I went in for the removal and they couldn't find it. Like...what do you mean you can't find it...So lucky me I got to leave that appointment with a prescription for meds to soften my cervix so they could really get up in there and an insane amount of 'what ifs' flying through my head. This was not in the plans when trying to get pregnant! Just get that sucker out so I can have a baby ok!?
Two weeks later...
I went in for my next appointment which was not only scheduled with the doctor but with the ultrasound specialist so that they could simultaneously have the ultrasound going as they try to locate this sucker. I was just grateful it was still in my uterus because apparently those suckers can wander! Finally after what seemed an eternity the doctor pulled it out proclaiming he 'got it'. I seriously started to tear up I was so happy to be rid of that thing! Glory glory!!
Now for the fun to begin...the after math. I seriously did not have a single period in the 2.5 year time span of having my IUD in. Was that great? Heck ya. But did my body make up for lost time? YES. I've had a baby okay...So I know about bleeding after having a baby...I know about the attractive mesh panties...and the godzilla size pads you wear...But the after-math I had after my IUD was out...WAY worse than after having a baby!! I think my body was seriously storing up all those missed periods because Aunty Flow came and she brought her twiced removed family with her! I had blood clots coming out that were easily 3 inches long. I warned you. It was awful. And I didn't even have a baby to show for it! So IUD...You will no longer be a birth control option...You're fired.
So like most normal people it did take some time to conceive. With robby I was on birth control for 3 years and after getting off it took us 4 months to get pregnant. And even though in my mind I kept telling myself it can take time, every month that went by brought more fears and worries. I mean I had wanted to be pregnant a long time ago so every month that goes by more time is just a tickin. My eggs are going to dry up waiting!
Finally...After 6 months of trying...
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Bingo! |
How I told my hubby...
I found out on a Friday and to make my plan fully work I had to wait till the following Monday to tell him so those couple days were just torture. But I really wanted to do something a little fun to tell the daddy to be x 2.
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Bun in the oven! |
How the convo went...
Right after dinner:
Me: Hey babe, there's something in the oven for you (he thought it was peach cobbler or something).
Hubby: (Goes over and opens the oven...takes the plate out)
Hubby: What is this? A cinnamon roll?
Me: Yes... (Smiling)
Hubby: (Looking confused) it in the oven?
Me: Well what is it...
Hubby: A...bun?
Me: And where was it...
After that the light bulb clicked and he figured it out. It was so fun to tell him. Now waiting to tell the rest of the world was torture. We found out when I was about 4 weeks so we immediately told all our family but we wanted to wait till 14 weeks to let the world know. Kind of a little messed up since that's when you feel the worst in your pregnancy typically and would love to just complain and whine to someone. Especially if you're me and you tend to verbally vomit on Facebook a lot of the time. But I stayed strong and we were able to tell everyone in a very fun way.
And how we told everyone else...
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Big brother status! |
Some firsts...
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First ultrasound and view of our baby! I was in denial till I saw this little bundle snuggled inside of me. |
First pregnancy picture! |
And here we are at 17 weeks already! It felt like the 1st trimester went on forever. Especially waiting to tell everyone we are having another baby! The 1st trimester was way worse this time then it was with robby the first time around. With robby I threw up like once but did feel nauscious 3-4 months. I was tired...but nothing out of the ordinary since I was going to school and working at the time. This time around...Woah. Week 7 hit and I was out for the count for at least 2 weeks. I was exhausted beyond belief. And SO sick. I can now feel for those poor women who get morning sickness bad. I felt so bad for my little man because all I could do was lay in bed or on the couch and sleep and be sick all day while he watched tv. It was awful. Food in general made me sick and I had 0% appetite. I just remember crunchy food being tolerable. So I ate a lot of apples, carrots, crackers, and ice. I am just so happy to report 2nd trimester is being good to me! I'm in the search for a new doctor since we moved (post on that next time!!) and can not wait to find out what we're having in a few weeks! Hard to believe that time has come!
So far...
How far along? 17 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: 8 pounds, mainly because I've been living off take out or ramen noodles for the past 3 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: 8 pounds, mainly because I've been living off take out or ramen noodles for the past 3 weeks!
Maternity clothes? Yes...I gave in weeks ago because lets face it..Stretchy pants are just more comfortable.
Stretch marks? Just the old ones I've got!
Sleep: Sleeping pretty good! I've always had problems sleeping but since I'm pregnant and exhausted I sleep rather well.
Best moment this week: Feeling my baby's heartbeat and feeling the baby move. He/She was very active at my last appointment and kept trying to hide from the midwife. :-)
Have you told family and friends: Of course!
Stretch marks? Just the old ones I've got!
Sleep: Sleeping pretty good! I've always had problems sleeping but since I'm pregnant and exhausted I sleep rather well.
Best moment this week: Feeling my baby's heartbeat and feeling the baby move. He/She was very active at my last appointment and kept trying to hide from the midwife. :-)
Have you told family and friends: Of course!
Movement: Some little movements here and there. Just this morning I felt a rolling type movement down there.
Food cravings: Cheetos...Crunchy foods are still popular!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not so much anymore! I get gaggy and sick if I go too long from eating.
Have you started to show yet: There's a little something there. I can definitely see myself showing quicker than with robby. But I just look fat I think.
Leakage: .....
Gender prediction: EVERYONE wants a girl! And at my last appointment the midwife kept referring to the baby as 'she' so we'll see! I have this feeling it is a girl...
Food cravings: Cheetos...Crunchy foods are still popular!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not so much anymore! I get gaggy and sick if I go too long from eating.
Have you started to show yet: There's a little something there. I can definitely see myself showing quicker than with robby. But I just look fat I think.
Leakage: .....
Gender prediction: EVERYONE wants a girl! And at my last appointment the midwife kept referring to the baby as 'she' so we'll see! I have this feeling it is a girl...
Labor Signs: Noooo. Wayyy too early!
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On and depending on the day it can be loose or tight.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but short tempered sometimes. :-)
Weekly Wisdom: Do what makes you happy.
Milestones: Feeling more activity from the baby.
Wedding rings on or off? On and depending on the day it can be loose or tight.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but short tempered sometimes. :-)
Weekly Wisdom: Do what makes you happy.
Milestones: Feeling more activity from the baby.
Well what a mouthful of a post! But when your only options are watching tv or going for a walk in the chilly Washington weather (which I love by the way) there's no excuse not to write in your blog!
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Plus the views not bad from our room...I LOVE the trees! |
On my next post...
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All about our new house and town! |