Being that it is Thanksgiving I could NOT just ignore expressing my gradtitude for all that I am thankful for. Even though I am so grateful for so many things there are a few things that are consistently on my mind:
September 5, 2008 |
I'm SO eternally grateful for the chance I had to be sealed to my sweet heart for time and all eternity. No event in my life has ever compared to the day I shared with Robby in the Temple. I'm thankful for all that that day encompassed and for how fortunante I was to meet Robby! January 14, 2008 was the 2nd best day of my life...The day I met Robby :). I'm thankful for my marriage and for all the joy it brings into my life. I love being a wife and getting to spend each day with my best friend. I'm thankful for the happiness and hardships we face together and for how much we have grown just in 2 years...
The Love of My Life |
I'm thankful for my hubby and all he does for me! Never has he once put me down or belittled me in any way. He's always looking for way to make me laugh and bring joy to my life. He's always willing to help me and do the things I ask him to do. He's an excellent cook and a wonderful handy man too. I'm thankful for the responsible, kind, funny, adventurous person I married and get to share my life with. I could not imagine being happier with anyone else!
Forever Together Someday |
Nothing cuts me deeper besides my husband than does my family. I love them so much and am so thankful for each of the qualities that my family members make that makes us a whole. I'm thankful for my parents who raised me to be who I am and always wanted the best for me. Never was there a day I was wanton and I am thankful for all they did! I'm thankful for my siblings and how much they make me smile and how proud I am of them. I'm thankful for the love they give me and how important they are to me. I'm thankful for how much my family loves and supports me in anything I do. I'm thankful for how welcoming they are to Robby and for how much they love un-conditionally. I loooove my family! We've been through some hard times and sometimes they frustrate me, but I wouldn't changed my family for anything in the world. I'm so incredily thankful for all they have done for me.
I'm so thankful for the family I married into and for the people who make it. I love each of them and am so grateful for the kindness and love they show me. I love being around them and enjoying each of their personalities. I'm so grateful for how welcome I feel and for all the love that I feel when with them. I'm so blessed to have 2 families!
Given that it's the day of feasting I'm thankful for all the yummy food I had! I'm thankful for how fortuante I am to be able to afford food to buy in the first place. I'm thankful for the jobs Robby and I have and that we are able to provide for ourselves. I'm thankful for this day and for the grubbin' I got on. :)
I'm also thankful for my good health. Sometimes I feel sorry for myself...And then I think of how I have a capable and able body that gets me around every day. I have no ailments of any kind and have 4 working limbs and an able body. I'm thankful that I rarely get sick and for all the things I am able to do.
I'm thankful for my education as well! I'm thankful to have the opportunity to be furthering my education at the Lord's University. It was always a goal of mine to go to college and I'm thankful I am able to do that. I'm thankful for a husband who supports me getting my educaiton so that both myself and he can be examples for our children.
Ultimately my heart is full with gratitude and thankfulness. I have so much to be grateful for and little to be complaining about.