I can not even begin to tell you how fast this year went. There's no way 365 days have gone by with Robby in our lives, just no way! I remember way back in the beginning (during those insane in the middle of the night feedings) thinking I couldn't wait for it to be over. I couldn't wait for him to sleep through the night and to sit up and this and that. Well...This and that is now HERE. There's just no words to describe how happy and yet how sad I am that my baby is gone and is transforming more and more into a toddler each day. Thank goodness I have more baby days to come!
To kick things off some little man
did just have his first birthday! Even though Robby was pretty much oblivious it was even his birthday, and could have cared less if there were decorations or not, mama couldn't resist! I just HAD to decorate and go all out for his birthday! I mean come on...It's my
baby's 1st birthday! You only get one of those!!
Cute little table decorations |
High chair decorations, got the idea from Pinterest. |
Woo party central! |
We love our birthday boy! |
The cake I made for bebe. I think it turned out cute! My first cake decorating experience! |
Our silly little birthday man. |
Cake, cake, cake! |
He really got into his cake as you can see. |
Little cake beard! |
His birthday was ALOT of fun! We were almost able to have all of our family there is some way, shape, or form too! My mom, brother, and sisters were able to be there in person. Then we had my dad on skype, Robby's parents on skype, Kristen, Lance, and Liam on facetime, and Bryan and Michelle on Xbox live. It's amazing what technology can do for us!
Robby had SO many presents from all his family! He didn't exactly get the concept of opening presents, but he did alright with a lot of assistance from me! He has certainly enjoyed all his toys he got. Before his birthday he just had alot of baby toys, rattles, soft plush toys, and teething stuff, so the big boy toys have been much enjoyed for sure!
As you can tell from the pictures Robby really enjoyed his cake! At first he was a little hesitant to even touch it, and the first couple bites were just sugar dots from the decorations, but after he realized it was OK to touch it game on. He demolished his cake and it was SO fun to watch! Well worth the effort I put into it and the mess we had to clean up after :-)
So much has happened and I can't even believe we went from this little angel...
To our big boy!
Robby has been SUCH a joy to raise and watch grow this past year. He has truly made us into a family and I couldn't even imagine being a momma to anyone else! The love I have for this little guy is indescribable, and I'm truly blessed to have him in my life! He has definitely taught me how to be a mom and helped mold me into hopefully a good one! His siblings will have to thank him later that he took one for the team and was our guinea pig! So here's a little bit about our stink-a-booty.
He's SUCH a snuggy bear! |
Especially with his blankey, which I have decided is his lovey. He LOVES anything soft, but especially his blankey. |
He LOVES to look at books! We keep his books on the bottom shelf so he can go over and get them anytime he wants. |
Robby loves to eat, especially if it's self feeding. He does very well at feeding himself finger foods. |
He loves to be outside! Anytime we're outside he just looks around and is fascinated by his surroundings. He's very happy to go out and about and just talks up a storm when we go somewhere! |
Robby loves to laugh and smile. I'm pretty sure if he can make any situation happy and laughable he does. He's just full of so much silliness and often we call him our "ham" cause he's just such a goof! |
A few other facts about Robby:
- He has 7 teeth and is working on getting another one. 4 on the bottom and 3 on top so far.
- Since birth he has gained 12 pounds and grown 8 inches. (Birth he was 9.3 and 21 inches)
- His favorite sounds right now are "momma" "da-da" "t" "th" "b" "baaaa" and "pf"
- He likes to make clicking sounds with his tongue.
- He knows how to give high fives, waves, and can clap his hands.
- He hates being alone! I'm pretty sure he's going to be a social butterfly the way he always wants to be around people.
- He understands the words: no, sippy, eat, go outside, bye-bye, blankey, more, wave, sit, show your teeth, his name, momma, dada, show me, and come here.
- Robby is an avid crawler and at this point prefers it over anything. He can stand for 10 seconds at a time and LOVES to travel along the couch. He also loves to climb, but has no interest in walking as of right now. He just sinks down when you try to make him walk. :-)
- Since birth Robby has had 2 hair cuts, 2 trims, and went from a brunette to a blonde!
- He nursed for 12 months and now drinks whole milk very well. He loves his milk warmed up.
- He sleeps through the night! This is something we're all proud of. His bedtime is 8PM and he puts himself to sleep with no problems. He sleeps usually till 9AM.
- When you say "Show me your teeth" he does this hilarious little motion where he puts his front teeth together and bites up and down. He's very proud of his chompers.
- Robby loves to be read to and loves to turn the pages.
- He's VERY curious and likes to be involved in whatever everyone else is doing. He will follow me from room to room all day.
That's our happy, curious, handsome big boy thus far! I'm so proud of him and thankful he came to us!
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