Monday, June 17, 2013

Father's Day

Father's Day...In a nutshell.




Matching tiiiiiies. I couldn't resist.

The whole shi-bang.
Just like Daddy.

My handsome guys.

If you've never made these wraps, here the recipe .
Peach cobbler, per daddy's request.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

20/30: Childhood

20/30: Describe 3 significant memories of your childhood

One upon a time when I was in 5th grade I was riding bikes with my cousins at Thanksgiving. I came speeding around this corner of the street at lightening speeds that had sand. My bike skidded out of control, I fell over my handle bars, aaaand that's all I remember. Blacked out cold. I remember waking up laying on the road screaming in a puddle of blood. My Grandpa came to save the day in his truck. I had road rash from my forehead all the way down the left side of my face down to my chin, a broken off the bottom permanent front tooth, and a nice brace for my left arm as I strolled in for Thanksgiving dinner that night. All I can say is I was wearing a helmet....

Make it rain.
One time my friend Suzy and I were out in her front yard in our swimsuits. It was cloudy and she (or I) got this crazy idea to do a rain dance so that it would rain. We stomped around in a circle on the grass waving our hands up in the air chanting who knows what to make it rain. Shortly started to rain. 

Check yes or no.
When I was in 6th grade there was this boy who liked me. One time I even got to wear his pee-wee jersey to school. On the bus ride home one day he handed me a note. It said "Will you be my girlfriend, check yes or no." I wanted SO bad to check yes, but I knew I had to check no because as far as my religion goes I wasn't old enough to date. I think I remember writing that on the note too...Well he didn't like my answer apparently, and was a total jerk to me the rest of that school year, and years to come. Some people just can't take rejection I guess. 

Monday, June 3, 2013

California I said in my post yesterday (see how I get back home and the blog posts are just flyin?) I went to California last week for Livvy's graduation. It was a much needed break from my ever day hum-drum; specially after being sick for 2 weeks. Going home is always a good boost to get me back into the swing of life. I'm grateful for the trip, and I'm also glad to be home! We missed daddy so much! These pictures...pretty much sum up the trip.

Super-model status.

And...the brother...?
Yes...for one day my son was a sock/sandal wearing kid.

Hanging out with uncy.

Home <3

So proud of you Livvy!
Go Bobcats!!

Isn't she beautiful? I did her hair AND makeup!

<3 Her.

The whole family -one important daddy.
Look at this beauty! Can you believe she's officially a 9th grader!?


Glorias = THE best mexican food/service!


Sprinkler fun.

He kept sticking his finger in the hole to block the water then it'd spray everywhere.

Waiting in the airport...Let's go home to daddy!

Sunday, June 2, 2013


So lately life has gotten the best of me aaand blogging has not. I haven't written about this list in ages, and haven't written period in what...3 weeks? First...wee man got sick. First Sunday in nursery and he gets sick...Like...bad bad cold sick. To the point I was convinced he was going to die and took him to the Dr...oh no...just an ear infection and a cold. Then...I got sick...Same wicked bad cold...THEN while still sick with said bad bad head cold hubs and I both got the stomach bug! All a the while trying to take care of ourselves and a recovering from sick wee man. I am SO done with the sickness for now! We got well just in time to go to California...

A few months ago I knew I wanted to make my sister something for graduation. "Little girl" as I always called her was graduating from 8th grade...8th grade!! My little sister. It's un-believeable. So I started picking her brain and with a few ideas from her and a few of my own I decided to make her a quilt. I was a little skeptical that she would even like it, but turns out she loved it, and I loved making it for her.

Pink pink pink! She loves pink.

Preparation for the binding.
I even did the binding! Quite an accomplishment for me.

This was the first quilt I'd ever done from start to finish. It felt great to do it and I felt quite proud once I was done...even if it had imperfections. I have to give a big shout out to my mother-in-law Annette, because I think her showing me that making quilts can be fun is what helped me feel confident to even TRY this feit.

The happy receiver!