20/30: Describe 3 significant memories of your childhood
One upon a time when I was in 5th grade I was riding bikes with my cousins at Thanksgiving. I came speeding around this corner of the street at lightening speeds that had sand. My bike skidded out of control, I fell over my handle bars, aaaand that's all I remember. Blacked out cold. I remember waking up laying on the road screaming in a puddle of blood. My Grandpa came to save the day in his truck. I had road rash from my forehead all the way down the left side of my face down to my chin, a broken off the bottom permanent front tooth, and a nice brace for my left arm as I strolled in for Thanksgiving dinner that night. All I can say is I was wearing a helmet....
Make it rain.
One time my friend Suzy and I were out in her front yard in our swimsuits. It was cloudy and she (or I) got this crazy idea to do a rain dance so that it would rain. We stomped around in a circle on the grass waving our hands up in the air chanting who knows what to make it rain. Shortly after...it started to rain.
Check yes or no.
When I was in 6th grade there was this boy who liked me. One time I even got to wear his pee-wee jersey to school. On the bus ride home one day he handed me a note. It said "Will you be my girlfriend, check yes or no." I wanted SO bad to check yes, but I knew I had to check no because as far as my religion goes I wasn't old enough to date. I think I remember writing that on the note too...Well he didn't like my answer apparently, and was a total jerk to me the rest of that school year, and years to come. Some people just can't take rejection I guess.
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