So...I have a
2 year old. As of Sunday, November 10th at 2:26PM my wee man was
two. Where did those 2 years go? Seriously. It's been the quickest and hardest 2 years of my life, but I'd re-live it all in a heart beat. Call me crazy...But I wish I could re-live it. I'd hold him a little longer, and not worry so much about getting other stuff done. I'd just hold him until he didn't want to be held any longer. Instead I have to wait for moments like these.
I could do this all day...and be fine with it. |
So ya. A two year old. And as such a birthday party was in order. But before a birthday party there came some early present opening. Some people just couldn't wait for him to open his gifts. Take note family. This won't be a yearly occurrence. A certain wee man will get smart enough to realize he can bend the rules and want to open his gifts early. Aint happenin' next year. :-) He's spoiled...but he's not that privileged. He's gonna wait till his birthday to get his gifts. So here's a few pre-birthday pictures.
He's got un-wrapping down well. |
The Birthday Party
Theme: Thomas the Train
We had a cute little Thomas the Train themed party with a little family and a little friends.
The big birthday boy. This is his "cheese" smile. |
Getting a little assistance with the big toys. :-) |
Mommy and Daddy's toy was a big hit. |
He smiled when we started singing to him. |
Make a wish wee man! |
He went right down to business. |
Love our Birthday boy! |
Awesome Uncle Vincent putting together his tool bench. |
It was a great birthday and another one in the bag. I can't believe my sweet boy is 2. It's hard to believe in 2 years we went from
Here |
To here |
I couldn't be more content with our life with Robby. He's an energetic, insightful, smart, silly, loving, helpful, obedient, determined, and happy boy. He's changed so much and changed me for the better. I'm incredibly blessed to be his mom and can't think of anything better I could have done with my life than to become his mom. He is such a blessing!
A little about Robby since he's turned 2:
- He weighs 33 pounds.
- He's 36 inches tall and often mistaken for a 3 year old since he's so tall.
- He walks like his daddy.
- He has interests in cooking like his daddy.
- He can say his name and age.
- Some of his mastered words are: milk, apple juice, toys, santa, ball, outside, play, dada, mama, papa, nan, tools, eat, all done, out, push, pull, book, shoes, nose, eye, toes, head, toast, egg, apple, banana, please, bye, hello, hi, guy, kiss, trash, mess, draw, show, and I'm sure there's many others I'm forgetting.
- He can blow his nose.
- He can do 3 direction commands like: Go in your room, get your shoes, bring them to mama.
- When he wants you to go somewhere with you he grabs your hand and pulls on it.
- He's very good about saying, "please" when he wants something.
- He still sleeps through the night. On average he sleeps 12 hours in a night.
- He no longer takes naps on a regular basis.
- He is still in size 4 diapers.
- He likes to climb on top of the potty seat and sit there.
- He loves playing outside and loves to read books still.
- He loves to give and get hugs and kisses.
- His drink of choice is apple juice.
- He knows just about every animal sound there is and can point out MANY parts on his body.
- He LOVES to dance. Whenever I put on music he immediately starts dancing.
- He loves to clean. His favorite thing to do is wipe things down with a rag, and help me un-load the dishwasher.
- He has a lovie, it's his blue minkie blanket.

Robby amazes me every day at the things he's learning and picks up on. He makes us smile more than anything and is such a joy to have. I love you bubby!!