My wee man turned 18 months last Friday and with everything going on it just slipped past me. I can not believe he's a year and a half! I know everyone says where did the time go or the time went so fast but it seriously does! I wish I could just rewind and savor it all again, I didn't know he'd get so big so fast...
So, some things about our big boy lately is:
- 27 pounds...he's gained 18 pounds since birth!
- 33 inches tall...gone up a whole foot!
- Walks and runs. He's so cute when he runs cause it's kind of like a skipping run. His feet kick up forward when he runs. Guess he's got a spring in his step, ha.
- Has signing down pat. I'll try to video him sometime and put it on here for those of you who haven't seen it. Things he can sign: More, drink, milk, eat, friend, play, and ball.
- I can't even begin to tell you everything he understands. He follows directions very well and sometimes will help me pick up toys or throw away trash. He picks up on cues very well too. When we start to put our shoes on he heads for the front door cause he knows we're going somewhere.
- He's started trying to repeat words and knows animal sounds. He recognizes and can make an elephant, dog, lion, bear, tiger, cow, and monkey sound. He LOVES animals!
- His newest accomplishment is he can climb onto the couch by himself.
- He still loves to read books.
- His new favorite "tricks" he can do...Buzzing his lips, rolling his tongue, aaaand spitting.
- He's still a thumb sucker.
- He loves to watch baby Einstein still, but also likes anything with cars or animals.
- He's still such a cuddler, I love that he loves to cuddle.
It still blows me away sometimes the things he can do and everything he's picking up on. Sometimes I still find myself in awe sometimes that he's ours and I know it sounds weird, but that he's an actual little human being. It's so fun to watch him develop preferences, have feelings, find things funny, and just take enjoyment in life.
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I love his little profile. I like his little chin...Sometimes when he's sitting like this I pinch it in between my fingers cause it's so cute. |
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My little rag-a-muffin. |
Ya I see you nakey! Notice the water is only about an inch high? It's cause he POOPED and I had to drain it...didn't feel like filling it all the way back up. |
He loves to point at the pictures and have me tell him what they are. He says, "Wa sis" which we think means "What's this?" |
Him having a fit that I wanted to take his picture... |
He decided to cooperate, love my little man! |
I just love him to pieces!!! He is such a riot to watch grow up! I miss him so much too! I'm for real gonna come when I finally get out of debt!!!