Tuesday, April 30, 2013

11/30: Pet peeves

11/30: Describe 10 pet peeves you have.

I knew this one would be fun…because let’s face it, we all have things that urk us and just drive us madly insane. I’m pretty sure I could list 20 pet peeves I have, but I’ll keep it to 10.

1. Clutter. I’m kind of OCD when it comes to things constantly being picked up. Things can’t be laying on the floor or scattered all over the counter. When Robby was little I was constantly picking up right behind him, now I’ve eased up a bit and only wig out after he’s gone to bed. I can’t simply go to bed and leave the toys, pillows, blankets, and counters a mess. I can’t. Clutter and laziness bugs me.

2. Biting ones nails. Nail biting really gets under my skin. It’s not so much the fact that they’re doing it, but the sound of them chomping down that makes me skin crawl. I just wanna crab their hand and say “Stop it!” 

3. Toilet seats up. My main squeeze has learned in our almost 5 year of marriage that this is a no-no. The toilet seat must be dooown. Its funny when someone comes over that isn’t trained in such a habit, because they always leave the seat up. Like…hello…I live here too!

4. Bad drivers. You know the ones…That weave in and out and are constantly switching lanes because they’re just in THAT big of a hurry? I hate them. They create road rage in me so bad. Sometimes when they’re trying to speed around me or I know they’re gonna get in my lane I speed up or slow down so they can’t. Hey, I’m doing them a favor, I’m trying to make them a safer driver. :)

5. Wee man’s whining. There are a lot of things I can tolerate and handle, and though I love my little guy to death and thing he’s adorable, I don’t think his whining is. I can handle being poop’d and pee’d on, hit, and even the crying. But that fake…whining just drives me nuts. He knows it’s a no-no, and I think that’s why he does it.

6. Space hoggers. I found this happen A LOT in college. You’re working out at the gym and there’s a multitude of empty machines ALL around and that one person comes and picks the machine RIGHT by you. Like..wha? You’ve got a whole row of machines and you pick the one RIGHT by me? Or those people that sit RIGHT by you when there’s a slew of empty tables and chairs. Just…stop trying to burst my bubble of space will ya?

7. Umm. People who over-use “um” when every other word is “um” you obviously need a more extensive vocabulary. Go read the dictionary or something.

8. Doggy child. I’m sorry, but those people who only have dogs and call themselves mommy and daddy bug me. That is not your child. It is your pet. It can be a member of the family. But it is not your child. You can’t leave your child alone all day with a bowl of water and call it good. 

9. Paperwork. WHY do Dr. Offices make you fill out ALL that medical history and ask you ALL those questions if they aren’t going to LOOK at it when you get in there? They simply ask you ALL the questions you just answered again. Why do they even make you fill that junk out? I didn’t fill that out just for fun, go look at it if you want to know.

10. Punctuation. You knew this was coming right? I mean I am an English degree holder. I’m guilty of miss-spelling or even using slang, but I NEVER forget to put a period or capitalize what needs to be capitalized. Facebook drives me mad because I see this all the time, and there’s nothing I can do about it but sigh.

Monday, April 29, 2013

10/30: Embarrassing

10/30: Describe your most embarrassing moment

So…this was kind of a tossup between two not so very dramatic embarrassing moments. I think the older I get the more I am cautious and aware of myself and try to not put myself in such predicaments. Being embarrassed is not my forte, and I try to avoid such incidences at all costs.

Moment #1 When I was in 3rd grade I remember having my first real crush. It was a new kid who had just moved into our grade. He was quiet and pretty cute. I was quiet, chubby, and not so cute. I remember getting the guts up to write him a note telling him I liked him. I gave it to him right before we got on the bus. To my horror, shock, and dismay he began READING my note to his cousin, brother, and anyone else who was in ear shot on the bus. I was mortified. Never again did I write a boy a note, and from that moment on, I hated that kid. Crush problem…taken care of!

Moment #2 So…at my college they had this thing called “Devotional” and every Tuesday at 2PM as many of the students that could gather gathered on campus to hear a spiritual message. Most of the time on this day students tried to dress a little better (suit, tie, dresses, skirts). Most Tuesdays I didn’t really put forth much effort, but one beautiful spring day I decided I’d go the extra mile and put on a skirt and heals. It felt good to dress nice…until…I was coming down a hill from class ready to head to Devotional and I fell…I fell in 4 inch heels and a skirt. Toppled right over myself right onto the cement. Books went flying, papers skirted across the grass, and any modesty I was possessing went straight out the window. If no one knew the color of my underwear before they certainly did now. I was horrified. Pulling what dignity I had left I collected myself and limped home; you can guess I bagged the idea of going to Devotional that day.

Oh…and you know what else is kind of embarrassing/creepy/annoying? When you’re dating a totally hot guy (ma hubs) and you’re getting kind of close and friendly on the couch and his roommate walks in saying, “Are you guys making out!?” I’d catch him from time to time with a blank stare on his face just watching us kiss. It was…uncomfortable to say the least.

Good times.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

9/30: People

So this writing every day has become quite tiring! I'm a couple days behind but here's post 9. 

9/30: List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how.

1.      My husband. Gosh, how has he NOT? He constantly believes in me and thinks I’m smart, beautiful, funny, giving, and loving even when I think I’m not. He never puts me down and he helps me achieve my dreams. Whether it’s religious, academic, socially, emotionally, or independent choices he’s always behind me 100%; and that always makes me feel confident in what I do in life. He’s always complimenting me and is my biggest fan.
2.      My son. He’s changed my life completely and thanks to him I’m trying to be a better mommy. He influences me just by being my son to be more out-going and social for his sake. I want to be a better person because I’m his mommy.
3.      My mom. I’m pretty sure I got to where I am because of her. Going to church, seminary, and doing well in general wasn’t an option and certain things were just expected growing up. And I’m grateful for that. She never doubted I couldn’t go to college or accomplish things in life. A lot of the things I do are because of the way I was raised and by watching her example.
4.      My grandad. When I was a teenager he would always be bringing me a new book. During the summer it seemed like I was getting a new book from him a week. I look fondly back at that and am so grateful he did, because I think that’s where I developed my love for reading.
5.      My high school English teacher. 100% of the way she influenced me and instilled in me the love for English. She was caring about her students and English and all 4 years were a joy and definitely had an impact on my future.
6.      My in-laws. I watch them and appreciate the example they instill on me as a couple. Their example helps me envision the kind of relationship I want to carry forth with my husband. They’ve influenced my life tremendously by having my husband. If they had never had him then I wouldn’t have the life I have now. :)
7.      My cousin. When I was in 9th grade I hung out with a pretty rough and rowdy crowd. They started to do things I didn’t (drink, smoke, sex, party) and I found myself feeling more and more distant from the group. I had a cousin who hung around with me too. There was another group that we weren’t a part of, but that’s where all the popular, fun, and LDS kids hung out at. You know how “clicky” group can be, but one day my cousins like “Let’s just go over there it only takes one time and we’re in.” So with her lead we went over there. If it weren’t for her bravery I may have never gotten to be a part of the group where I truly belonged and fit in. I had the most fun with those people and have her to thank.
8.      My young women leaders. Little did they know they were having such a huge impact on me. They instilled in me the importance of a temple marriage and staying worthy and righteous. Perhaps the lessons and words get repetitive, but it really sunk into me and helped me reach my goals.
9.      My sewing instructors. I went from having a fear of a straight stitch to creating entire garments, quilts, curtains, etc. I’m thankful for their confidence in me and their patient lessons.
10. My friends. I had to say “friends” because there have been so many throughout my life that have impacted me. From those years of having no one but that one best friend to being included and feeling wanted. Friends have had such an influence on me and have just always made an impact on what kind of day I was having. I’m grateful for those friends who took the time to throw me a birthday party, invite me on that girls night out, or take the time to listen when I needed a shoulder.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Chocoholic in the making

So...there's this thing called grandparents...And sometimes they like to send our son candy. Like...for Easter. And sometimes your son is just so adorable that you just wanna give him the candy and see what happens. I guess that's why the grandparents send him candy...cause he's adorable. Needless to say he loved the chocolate. This is Robby...and the makings of a chocoholic.


8/30: Passions

8/30: What are 5 passions you have?

There are a lot of things I’m passionate about so it was hard to choose. But here’s my list. I kind of feel like things are starting to over-lap at this point. But the things that are the most important to me are kind of the same things that make me happy and are kind of the same things I’m passionate about.

1.       My family. No brainer right? But dang. I am so passionate about family and spending time as a family and just being together. I love my family like crazy and if I had it my way we’d all live on the same street! I can never get enough family time. Family is the whole reason we’re here.

2.       The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I tend to be kind of reserved about my religion. I’m not the type of person who preaches to others and is bold and boisterous regarding it, but I do have passion and am passionate about my religion. I respect and believe the principles to be true. I love what it teaches and what it does for me in my life. And I’m proud, thankful, and blessed to be a member of this church.  

3.       Health and fitness. I’m slowly becoming passionate about taking care of our bodies and finding ways to improve. This past month I’ve spent a lot of time finding healthy meals or health alternatives to feed my family, and though I’m not a chef I really enjoy finding new, yummy, and healthy recipes to feed my family. I’m really starting to get passionate about working out again and feeling the strength it gives me. There is certainly something to be said about our bodies being temples and they are what we make them.

4.       Sewing, crafts, and creating things. Thanks to pinterest I have become an avid sewer and crafter. I love the high and accomplishment I get once I have created something; it’s quite addicting. I love being able to stand back and say “I made this.” It brings me a lot of happiness to make things around my home instead of just buying them, and most of the time it saves me more money to make it!

5.       Music. This one’s another repeat but I can’t tell you how much music means to me. I’m not that musically inclined, I mean I can kinda play the piano and I’m not tone deaf by any means, but I’m so incredibly passionate about what music does for a person. Music has always tugged at my heartstrings (get it…heart strings…like strings on a guitar…music…eh?? eh??) and I’ve always been very emotional and moved by music. Since I was a teenager I can remember sitting in church and tearing up over a song we were singing. You can feel the spirit and the emotion in a song and it always gets to me. Music has always been an outlet to find peace and comfort when I’m feeling down or having a rough time. As soon as the instruments begin and the words fill my ears I just feel better, and whole again. That may all sound a bit corny but it’s the only way I can describe it. Music gets to me in a way that heals and uplifts at times.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Apartment tour

So as I promised I DID do an apartment tour! I'm not the best with the camera and I'm kind of awkward but at least you get to see where we live! I sure like living here and if it weren't so daaaang hot it'd be perfect. Enjoy!

And as you can see I'm SO awesome that I hit the button to turn off the recording before I was even done. What I was gonna say is if anyone has any recommendations for ways I could decorate or ways I could improve my blog I would LOVE to hear from you! I really want to try and make this more than just a boring hum drum blog about my every day life.

7/30: Dream Job

7/30: What is your dream job, and why?

Obviously I can’t pick just ONE thing that would be my dream job. If you’re confused where all of this is coming from tune in from here to find out what all this is about. I hope this gal appreciates all the publicity I give her.

1.       A writer. I love to write and I did kind of get my degree in professional writing. I would love to write and sell books. I’m working on a book as we speak, but whether or not it will ever get done is another story. Actually I have 3-4 ideas but I just don’t know if I posses enough creativity and fire to actually write enough to consist of a book; we’re talking 200 pages or more to make it ya know, rather impressive and what not.

2.       An ultrasound tech. Seriously? What is more awesome than getting to look at cute in utero babies? And watching parents light up when they see their wee ones? I know sometimes there are downers to this job, like presenting bad news, but ever since I was pregnant I just thought it was so interesting and awesome. I’ve even thought of going back to school to be certified as one.

3.       An English teacher. You should have guessed that one was coming right? I mean…I majored in an English degree for crying out loud! I would have done my degree in English education, but that required 12 credits of a foreign language. Umm I don’t think so. I would love to be a High School English teacher and just talk about and teach English all day.

Next post: Video tour of our new place (finally!)